Tuesday, January 22, 2013

January 20, 2013 Audio Sermon

This sermon was recorded in Apollo, PA at the First UCC of Apollo. For info on the church, please see my last post.  The title of the message is "God of Miracles".

Editorial Note:
In the sermon I mention that miracles do not occur at random.  I would like to make an addition to that comment.  I truly believe that God does miracles through the Holy Spirit every day whether it be in the form of healing, prosperity, salvation, etc. and needs no help from us as people to do those miracles. To that - I am starting to read my sermons from an outline instead of just reading a manuscript and I left that part out.  Thanks for understanding, I'm still kinda new at this :)


Monday, January 14, 2013

On Sunday, January 13, 2013 I had the honor of preaching at the First United Church of Christ in Apollo, PA.  The title of this message is "Raging Rapids", the audio is above, and the texts used are here. In attendance were my parents, wife, daughter(who you can hear talking throughout), and the very warm and welcoming Apollo congregation.  I thank them for allowing me to preach for them and asking me to preach again this weekend.  First United Church of Christ's information can be found here.  Also the service starts at 9:15 on Sunday, January 20th if you would like to join us in worship.  The title of my sermon this weekend is "God of Miracles" and the scripture is based on the Revised Common Lectionary. Thank you all for your love and support throughout my ministry.

Blessings and grace to you,
